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Ceramic Sand kiln

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Product Details

Ceramic sand rotary kiln is widely used on calcining and production of ceramic sand, clay, clay, river of mud, fly ash and shale, slag, dolomite, kaolin, bauxite, refractory furnace charge, cement, limestone, titanium powder, alumina, activated carbon, coke, iron ore, alumina, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, cement and other special materials.

Features of Ceramic Sand Kiln

Rotary kiln is equipped with simple structure, a few wearing parts and high operation ratio which can ensure a reliable control during the production process. Our factory has rugged structure with smooth operation and high quality outlet products. We provide our customers with advanced, efficient vertical heating device as well as cyclone heating device.

Principle of Ceramic Sand Kiln

The rotary kiln of the ceramic sand is the working temperature can be achieved (950 ~ 1050 degrees C). At present, our country’s technology is mature and advanced, which represents the development direction of the technology of superfine kaolin calcination. The calcining technology of low energy consumption, high yield, product by dehydration and decarbonation whitening, stable performance, for paper and paints and other industrial fields.

Performance characteristics of ceramic sand rotary kiln

1, the structure is simple, with high unit volume, long furnace life, high operating rate, stable operation, high heat transfer efficiency, low heat consumption,

2, automatic temperature control, over temperature alarm, two times into the wind waste heat utilization, kiln lining life is long,

3, advanced kiln end seal technology and equipment, stable operation, high yield, and so on.

Hongke Ceramic Sand Kiln high sales of three factors

The ceramic sand has many advantages, such as low density, low water absorption, low water absorption, good frost resistance and durability, which can be used to make the ceramic sand in the rotary kiln. In the complex ceramic sand rotary kiln market, to take up the market share is not just a technical work, the following describes the HONGKE ceramic sand rotary kiln market share of the three major factors.

In the competition for development

Here said the “competition” is more about the interests of multi. Production of ceramic sand rotary kiln manufacturers a lot, there are big brands, there are small manufacturers, of course, the quality of the production of equipment is not the same, the price is different. HONGKE ceramic sand rotary kiln is not involved in vicious competition, to concentrate on their own products, but also willing to seek development in the healthy competition, to win the market share of good products.

With the legend of the legend

HONGKE do not advocate “Wangpo saying, puff” sales model, because if you are good enough, word of mouth will come from, the user’s mouth “good” is more authoritative than himself said “good”, HONGKE with high quality to win the trust of users at the same time, but also occupied a relatively more than the big market share.

Equipment replacement is not high

“Alternative” here refers to is a narrower range of meanings, some customers will think I buy whose rotary kiln is not the same ah, is calcined products, but to know brand production ceramsite sand rotary kiln and shoddy equipment to burn out the finished effect is not the same, the economic benefits of product quality checks and user is linked, so because HONGKE ceramsite sand rotary kiln can not be strong substitutability, so the market to buy more.

Overall, in order to win the market, the first to win the user’s trust, and win the user’s least is the most critical factor lies in the quality of equipment clearance.